Over break, I was lucky enough to be encouraged by a
few members of my PLN to take part in the #blogamonth challenge where a group
of educators commit to blogging and commenting at least once a month. As part of the challenge, Drew Frank
(@ugafrank) nominated our group for the PLN Challenge. Like most people in my PLN, I have never met
Drew in person, but I have had the opportunity to learn with and from him in
many chats and through his blog posts.
Drew is a wealth of excellent resources and ideas. I would encourage you to follow him if you
are not already. On to the Challenge!
PLN Challenge:
1. Acknowledge
the nominating blogger – Check!
2. Share
11 random facts about yourself
3. Answer
the 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you
4. Nominate
11 bloggers for the Challenge
5. Post
11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer and let the bloggers know
they have been nominated.
Random Facts about Me:
1. I
have two wonderful little girls.
2. Huge
Philly Sports Fan - Eagles, Phillies, and Flyers (Not really a basketball fan
though, Sorry 76ers)
3. I
met my wife on a trip to Disney World after HS graduation, even though we lived
7 minutes from each other during HS.
4. My
wife is the most creative person I know.
She crafts, knits, cooks. She’s
5. I
love video games.
6. I
am secretly addicted to watching Cooking shows, even though I can’t cook a lick
7. I
am a believer that almost anything can be improved by adding cheese or peanut
butter (but NEVER Both!)
8. I
am a self-proclaimed math geek…and PROUD of it!
9. I
am the oldest of 3children with 7 years difference between me and the next
10. I
come from a family of educators.
11. I
knew I wanted to be a teacher when I was in 6th grade.
1. What
is your favorite movie of all time?
It’s a tie between The
Shawshank Redemption and Remember the Titans
2. If
you could go to have attended any concert anytime in history, what would it
have been?
3. What
do you do for fun? Hobby?
games and Card Playing. I love a good
poker game.
4. What
two guests would make the best comedic pair as co-hosts for the Oscars?
Ferrell and Darryl Hammond as Bill Clinton and George Bush
5. Cat,
Dog or Goldfish? Why…
Dog, not even
close. Loyalty, companionship and
unconditional love. I love my dog.
6. How
do you caffeinate?
Not a coffee
drinker. I’ve tried, but just can’t
acquire a taste for it. I’m a Diet Soda
7. Favorite
twitter chat?
#PAEdchat – I am
co-moderator of this chat with my colleagues Bob Lochel (@bobloch) and Diane
Holben (@DianeHolben) on Thursdays @ 9EST.
I am also a fan of #sbgchat and #mschat.
8. Best
place you ever vacationed?
My wife and I took a
cruise of the Western Mediterranean for our honeymoon. We hit Marseilles, Monaco, Tuscany, Rome and
Naples all in one trip. It was
9. Best
book you’ve read in 2013?
Shifting the Monkey by
Todd Whitaker (@ToddWhitaker). Simple,
Practical ideas steps to implement. I
also love Todd’s style of writing
10. Favorite
television shows?
Game of Thrones, Modern
Family and The Big Bang Theory
11. What
is one thing you never/rarely share that you are exceptionally proud of?
I played Division III
lacrosse for DeSales University. I
started in goal for 3 years and, upon leaving, owned most game and season school
goaltending records
Turn to Nominate:
Now it’s my turn to nominate 11 bloggers. I am nominating a mix of the #blogamonth participants
along with other members of my PLN that have had an influence on me. Please give these guys a follow and check out
their blogs.
Twitter Handle
Blog Address
- If you
weren’t in education, what would you do instead?
- Who is
your favorite actor of all time?
- If you
could go to have attended any famous speech anytime in history, what would
it have been?
- What do
you do to relax? De-stress?
- If you
could invite anyone to dinner who would you invite and why?
- Would you
prefer to visit a Zoo or Aquarium and why?
- Favorite
twitter chat?
- What is one
thing you tried last year that you learned about from your PLN?
- Best place
to be quiet and reflect?
- Favorite
book of your life?
- What is
one thing you never/rarely share that you are exceptionally proud of?